
Chicken and Dressing {Featured in a Month Full of Recipes}

I'm from the South, so this is southern dressing, not stuffing.

*For the cornbread I just just follow the directions on the back of the cornmeal package with one exception. I pour some oil in an iron skillet and put in the oven and let it get hot--really hot. Then I pour the batter in the skillet and cook for the allotted amount of time that the package says.

*I boil my chicken on top of the stove, so that I can make my own stock. I put my chicken in a pot cover it with water--maybe about 3 inches above the chicken--cook until done.

*Chop one onion and cook in stock (in a different pan) until the onions are translucent.

*Break cornbread apart and pour 1/2 of your stock on top of your cornbread, stir together.

*Add onions, and one can of cream of celery soup. Stir together, add salt and pepper to taste.

**Let it sit for a few minutes, you are letting the bread soak up the stock.

*Add more stock, stir and let sit

*Add more stock if needed--you should be able to see puddles of stock through out your mixture. This will keep your dressing from drying out.

*Add butter on top to help brown in the picture above.

*Cook in oven at 350 degrees for at least 30 minutes or longer, just until brown around the edges.


**You can also substitute turkey for the chicken or not put any meat in it at all---either way it's very tasty!
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