
Weight Watcher's Monday, 4/25. I have lost my 5% and my Husband has Gone Nuts!

I am so excited! We weighed in this past Saturday, and I finally reached my 5% goal. Woohoo! Plus I also lost more than my husband this week! I never loose more than him. I tried not to act too happy about that, but darn it I was tickled!

I never talk in these meetings, but when my leader gave me my 5% star I was bubbly and talked about how much fun it has one agreed. Guess I am odd, I have enjoyed it, even the week I ate fudge. I really like our meeting time and my husband and I both like our leader, Marlon.

Now to the part about my husband going nuts. If you have been following my WW post, you all know that he has lost 25 pounds. He has been getting rid of his bigger size clothing, throwing them away or giving them to Goodwill--- we both have. Well last night after church, he came in and threw his Sunday suit away. Yes, his Sunday suit! Those things are expensive and yes it has gotten too big for him, but still I was like, let's rethink this!

We both figure, get rid of the bigger clothes, so we don't have anything to go back to, makes sense--- or at least to us it does. But when he threw his suit away last night...all I could see was how much we paid for it and not how much he has lost.

Now he does have another suit (hasn't worn it in about five years) and it fits him great! I am so proud of my nutty husband!

So, how are you doing? Share your weight loss journey, or recipes below in the comments. I love your comments!