
June Freezer Cooking Days are here--maybe

Well it is time for Freezer cooking days this weekend---you can actually do this anytime. I just like to participate when other bloggers do. However, this time I am not cooking until Monday.
My confession:

Because there are just some days that go by so fast, I enjoy having a few meals in the freezer, to pull out for a quick meal. But I do have to confess I like cooking every night for dinner. It is just fun, and my children like to help when they can. So this time I hope to include more lunch items, and snacks. Please notice that I said, "Hope'."

FishMama, has her game plan, you should really check out what she is going to cook. Follow along to get some new recipes----this is what I love about freezer cooking days, the new recipes that I am able to take away from this event.

Want to share a recipe, leave it in the comment section below---I love trying new recipes!

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