
10 in 2010

It is a new year and for me that means it's time to work on me. For as long as I remember, when the new year rolled around one of my resolutions would always be to lose weight. I would always start off that year doing good, but soon fall off the wagon! Well last year I tried to "trick" myself and say that I was going to get healthy instead of saying that I was going to lose weight...didn't work!

A few weeks ago, my husband went to the doctor and of course the weight thing came up. The doctor told my husband something very interesting, well it was interesting to me. In all my years of life, I have never heard it put this way. It is truth, but I have never thought about it this way. The doctor said that we all know what to do to lose weight (at this point I am thinking well duh!), anyways he went on to say that we should eat right and exercise (I am still thinking "well duh"); then he said "We should be good stewards of our bodies." Eat right and exercise and let your body get down to the number that it thinks it needs to be at. Do not say I want to lose 40 pounds, your body may not "think" that you need too. Makes sense!

I have thought about this and know that I need to do something to become be a better steward! So I thought why not share all this with you and see if you would like to join me on this journey through this new year!

Therefore the "10 in 2010" idea was born. I am talking about exercise and I want to keep this frugal---if you are able to work out in a gym--great! We live in an apartment and we have gym privileges (I've been twice, once to look at it and once to actually work out and we have been here for over two months; pathetic I know!) Anyways you can do this in your home, even if you do not have exercise equipment.

Here is my idea:
10 jumping jacks
10 squats
10 leg lifts (for each leg (20 total)
run in place for 10 minutes
walk around our apartment complex ONE time
Pick an exercise that will work for you and then do it 10 different times throughout the day.
At the end of the day, here is what we will have done:
100 jumping jacks
100 squats
100 leg lifts (for each leg(200 total)
running in place for 100 minutes
walked around the apartment complex 10 times
At the end of the week (7 days), here is what we will have done:
700 jumping jacks
700 squats
700 leg lifts (for each leg(1400 total)
walked around apartment complex 100 times
Whew! What a workout, after the first week, especially after doing NOTHING the week before.

I am all excited about doing this and I hope that you will join me, pick and choose your own exercises---you choose, but just do something!

I will be updating this weekly, I will be posting healthy recipes from time to time, healthy freebies, linking back to stayed tuned and lets all become better stewards of our bodies that the Lord has given us.

Disclosure: I am not a doctor, I am not a nurse, nor am I in the medical field. I just want to become a better 'steward'!

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly find the time to exercise just once a week, let alone several times a week. However, my husband repaired/modified our dance pads and I hope to play DDR more. We also found a bike shop that can hopefully fix his tire. We bought me one a couple months ago and have yet to use it yet.
