
1,000 Ways to Save Money - Part 12

If you missed part 11, then go here to check it out.
Just wondering if anyone is putting a little cash back each month, whether it's $5 or $1. It will add up...TRUST ME! My dad used to always say,"Rebecca, as long as you have 35 cents in your pocket, then you are rich." I know NOW what he means by that.
Now on to more money saving tips.....
#66 Cook in Bulk
This past week I joined in with many other bloggers and cooked in bulk, man was I tired at the end of the day. even though it was hard work, it is really paying off...literally.
One of the things that I made was lasagna---you know it is just as easy to make 2 or 3 lasagnas as it is ONE lasagna. Freeze the extras and pull out for later. I made several breads and desserts as well. I had all the ingredients on hand and these things freeze really well! So this will save me time and MONEY in the future, because the things that I cooked this past week I spent under $15 on and have several in the freezer as well.
#67 Buy things a day or two after a holiday
We have all done it, rushed in and usually buy candy after it has been marked down after Halloween. Well Halloween is over and now is the perfect time to stock up on Halloween stuff. I do not mean costumes or candy...I mean other things that are labeled Halloween on the tag. For example, dish clothes, towels, table clothes, popcorn (we love popcorn here!) dishes, baskets, clothes, etc.. Most of these items will not be with the Halloween candy or costumes BUT they will be marked down. To spot these items just look at the price tag and if it says Halloween, then it should be marked down. I was in Walmart the other night and there were these cute little orange and brown hand towels marked down to 57 cents (regular price $2.97) OH AND THERE WERE NOW HALLOWEEN DESIGNS ON THEM, but the tag said Halloween on it. I also spotted some cute children's clothes that were fall colors but nothing Halloween was on them wither, so in other words think outside the box. With it being several days past Oct. 31st, you could probably get some really great deals.
#68 Look for Kids eat FREE signs
If you enjoy going out to eat like our family does then look for 'Kids eat free signs'. A lot more restaurants are doing this now a days. You can go to and type in your city and state to see which restaurants are listed, but I have found out that a lot of restaurants don't even make it on this list.
For example---this is for my local readers---the McAlisters on Woodruff Road, kids eat FREE on Tuesdays and Thursday evening (10 and younger after 4:00 PM). The Perkins on Woodruff Road kids eat FREE everyday(not sure of the age limit)(just saw this on the sign passing by the other night).
Well that is it for this week. I would love to hear ways that you save money, so please leave a comment. Have a great week!

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