
1,000 Ways to Save Money - Part 11

If you missed part 10, then go here to check it out.

#62 Cut your Brillo pads in half!
When my children got old enough to take over some of the kitchen responsibilities I soon realized that they were going through supplies like crazy so I explained to them that they did not need to use a WHOLE SOS/Brillo pad on one pot, so, therefore, just to help them with this I started cutting them in half. Which in return helps me not to have to buy them as often, which saves money.
#63 Cut your Dryer sheets in half.
I LOVE Bounce and Snuggle dryer sheet scents, but those things can be expensive, so when I see a sale and have some coupons I always stack up on the them. I have also gotten into the habit of cutting them in half when I toss one in the dryer; by doing this they will last longer. Bounce sheets are also good for keeping mosquitoes away, so in the warmer months I put some by our door entrances. I also give each child a 1/2 of one whenever we go fishing to stick 1/2 way in/out of their pocket to help keep those pesky little mosquitoes away!
#64 Start a book/magazine/movie swap
Do you love to read, or watch movies? Then start a swap with friends or even at work. This will save you money and time. You can also get these FREE at the Library, but sometimes I cannot get tot the Library, but I am always around friends. You can even start a COUPON SWAP!
#65 Have a donation party.
If you have been following this blog for any length of time then you know that I LOVE coupons and that I LOVE to stock pile items whenever I can get them for free, or a really great deal on them. I love to get free samples in the mail as well. I sign up for just about everything. Do we use all of the items that I have stockpiled...ummm NO. We will use most of them, but I also give them away. So I thought of an idea, why not have a stockpile party (donation party)...what ever you want to call it. Get together with your friends, everyone brings items from their stock pile (no one is aloud to go buy anything for this party). Once every one gets to the party, let the fun begin, every one can start picking from the 'pile' of things that they might need or would like to have. If I was to have one of these parties today I would bring about 12 travel size shampoos to the party (I got them all for free), people that need shampoo for the week could take these and not have to go BUY shampoo, thus saving you money.
Well there you have it, my money saving ideas for the week. Do you have ways that you save money? I know you do! I would love for you to share your ideas here, so please leave a comment and let us know how you save money for you and your family.

1 comment:

  1. Great posts! I do something similar to this, but I post one tip every Monday. I invite to come check it out.
