
1,000 ways to Save Money - Part 9

If you missed part 8, then go here to check it out.

#50 Lower your annual fees on your credit cards
IF you carry a credit card then make sure that you have one with NO annual fees. If your card has an annual fee just simply call your credit card company and ask for a lower rate or ask to change to a card that has no annual fee. Be polite when you ask and most of the time the credit card companies will give in and give you what you want especially if you have been with that company for a long time. ALSO be willing to leave that credit card company if they happen to say no, only tell them that IF they have told you NO on lowering your monthly fees.
*Credit cards companies and banks want your business, they do not want to lose anyone!

#51 Free Checking
I would recommend a free checking account. Free checks, no fees to use your debit card, and no minimum balance in your account.

#52 Do your own Repairs
Before going out and buying something 'NEW', fix it. Just about anything can be fixed, from shoes to TV's. Super glue that soul back onto that shoe. Patch that hole in that pair of pants, put that hem back into that dress.

#53 Mow your own lawn
We have a big yard to mow, but we do it ourselves. We could pay someone else to do it, but why waste money when we are all capable of mowing it our selves.

#54 Do your own maintenance work
Sharpen your lawn mower blades yourself, clean out your own gutters, change your own oil instead of paying someone else to do it. We have a SUV and even with a $5 off coupon it would still cost us over $65 to have someone else do this for us (which would include the oil, filter and a couple of other things).

#55 Clean your own home
This goes without saying...sure I would love to have a maid (a cleaning lady). But I am not spending $75 to $100 a week, because two hours after she left something would be messed up again! haha! I am perfectly capable of cleaning my own home and besides if your children are old enough then they should be helping clean your home as well., especially their bedrooms. I can think of several things that I can do with that buy groceries, cloth my children, etc.

OK, now it is your turn, what are some ways that you save money? I would love to hear about them, so please leave a comment.

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