
GUEST POST by Jennifer Corey

Now that I have a family of my own the harsh reality of life has sunk in. I am responsible for the care of my family. I make sure we are eating healthy food, taking our vitamins, and keeping ourselves clean. However, in the last year or so I have started wondering what additives and chemicals are put in the food we ingest and beauty products we apply to our body. I was both shocked and amazed at what I learned when I started researching.
For as long as I can remember I have had eczema. I never knew what caused it I just thought it was something I was going to have to deal with all my life. Recently I have learned that eczema is fungal and is caused by candida (better known as yeast). There are a variety of different things that cause this fungus. Sugar when ingested in the body turns to yeast which allows bacteria to build and grow in your body. One way to stop this is to cut out sugars, white flour, yeast, bread, and processed foods. Now that is easier said than done considering most grocery products fall into those categories. So as a family we have begun to eat less and less of these products and more fruits and vegetables and organic products. Yes, we still like to have our chips and ice cream but in moderation. Since doing this I have noticed a great change in my eczema. The only place I have it now is on my hands and it only flairs up when I have eaten to much junk food.
The next thing I was concerned about was beauty products such as soap, shampoo, and deodorant. There are so many chemicals in these products that can cause hair loss, rashes, cancer, and so many other things. As a result of my research I have switched to using all natural Kirks Castile soap, Bert's Bees shampoo, and deodorant free of aluminum and parabens. The results are stunning! I have noticed my hair has grown more and gotten thicker. Using these products even helps keep my eczema in check.
Four months ago God entrusted me with a precious little baby. As a mother I want to do everything in my power to take care of my baby girl. Right away I noticed that Anna also has eczema. So I knew that I needed to be stricter on myself concerning the foods that I ate. I want what is best for my baby. She uses all natural soap during bath time, all natural Bert's Bees diaper rash cream, and I only wash her cloth diaper and our clothes in all natural Seventh Generation laundry detergent.
I love my family and want what is best for them. Some people may not agree with the stand I take and the changes I have made in my life and that is okay. I am going to do what I feel is best for my family even if it means being classified as a health nut!
Jennifer is a stay at home mother, that is married to the love of her life, Dan. They have a beautiful 4 1/2 month old baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the article posted regarding harmful ingredients in personal care products. It was very informative, and I believe you are absolutely correct about the negative impact that these chemicals can have on our bodies. I have discovered several amazing reports to validate your position, and I think you would find the information fascinating. I would love to discuss this further with you. Please email me at your earliest convenience. One report in particular is very serious in nature and was documented on CNN. I’ll send you a link.
