

Heading to the Beach---Take Noblo!

After witnessing a horrible accident, with a beach umbrella blowing away at the beach one day, a couple of moms decided enough was enough and figured out an easy way stop beach umbrellas from causing anymore chaos! And the Noblo idea was invented.

Noblo basically works as an anchor, for your umbrella, so the wind will mot blow it away. To use Noblo, first set up your umbrella properly, fill the Noblo bag with sand then strap the Velcro strap above the umbrella spikes. Then enjoy your day at the beach without having to worry about your umbrella blowing away and hurting anyone; plus youcan get a little relief from the sun too!

Noblo is manufactured in New Jersey, It’s affordable, and easy to use and invented by fellow moms! A portion of each bag sold is donated to the USLA (United States Life Saving Association).

Noblo is easy to use, convenient and helps promote safety while at the beach. Noblo comes in pink, blue, aquamarine, red and bright green.

Click Here for more information on Noblo.

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