
7 Ways to Help You Save Money

Here are seven ways to help any household in America save money.

#1 - Use coupons!
If you have been following this blog for any length of time then you will know that I am a big fan of coupons. I watch the sale adds, I use my coupons only on sale items, which results in some very good deals, some time even free items!

#2 - Apply for free samples!
Manufactures are willing to give you free samples in hopes of you liking it so much that you will rush to the store and buy their products---don't do that unless it is on sale and you have an awesome coupon of course!

#3 - No land line
We use a cell phone for our home phone.

#4 - Cell Phone - lower your minutes!
If you do not use your cell phone that often then have your provider lower you plan (minutes). Cut your minutes in half and you can easily shave $15-$20 off your monthly bill.

#5 - No cable, only Internet
Internet and cable bills run over $100 a month - a person could turn the cable off and your bill would probably drop over $50.00 a month (I checked on turning ours off). Now a days you can watch movies on your computer or mobile device, plus you can rent "Free" movies from Redbox and Blockbuster kiosks. Also, go with a lower meg for your Internet service. Going from a 10 meg down to a 5 meg will save you anywhere from $10 to $12 a month!

#6 - No gym membership
Exercise at home, ride your bicycle, or go hiking - to help you get or stay fit.

#7 - No cost Entertainment
Go walking, fishing (dig your own worms), go on a picnic, go for a walk, go hiking, family game night, have a bon fire - tell stories by the fire and roast hot dogs, have a play date, have friends over and have them to bring a dish to pass.

I would love to know how you save money. Either comment here, on the blog, or over on the Swappin Spoon's Facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Tonight, we stayed home and had homemade pizza and played a board game. The pizza was delicious and the game was so fun! Blessings from Bama!
