
One Stop Plus orders canceled

Yikes! From what I’ve been able to gather from some of you, and my recent chat all (or most) of the orders placed on last Saturday with the $5 coupon code to OneStopPlus have been canceled. They are saying that the coupon code was only good at their sister site, Chadwicks, so they are not honoring orders placed with the coupon code.

I am not really sure why the site went ahead and took our codes and everything appeared OK---my order still says "in process" so I chatted with customer service--she was very rude and said that all orders that used that code have been canceled and they possibly could not let everyone that ordered know about this! So I am NOT getting my order, now with that being said, some of you have contacted me saying that you received your order from them, so I am not sure why!?

It appears that they are refunding everyone’s money, but I’d highly recommend that you check your account to make sure your money was, indeed, refunded.

I’m sorry that this deal didn’t turn out as we’d all hoped. But I am very thankful that many of the freebies and deals recently have turned out this Christmas Season.

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