
Countdown to Christmas---With Recipes, Chocolate Dessert

We love this Chocolate Dessert in our home. It's one of those desserts that you put in your mouth and kind of just let it sit there for a minute before you continue eating!
Crust--1 cup all purpose flower, 1 tsp. salt, 1 stick of butter, and 1 cup of chopped pecans. Mix this all together and the best way to mix it is...you guessed it with you hands. Once mixed altogether pressed into a 13 x 9. This time I only made 1/2 a pan....

In a med. size bowl combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 package (8 oz) cream cheese (softened), and 1/2 carton of a giant cool whip (you will need a large container of cool whip or two of the smaller ones) Mix all these ingredients together.

Spread the cream cheese mixture onto the completely cooled crust.

Next you will need 2 small packages of chocolate instant pudding and 3 cups of milk, whisk those two items together and pour on top of cream cheese mixture. Top with remaining cool whip. This would look GREAT with some grated chocolate for the top of it. Refrigerate over night. This dessert normally does not last long around our home.

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