
Breakfast Burritos---They Freeze Great too!

These are nice to have on hand--when you are tired of cereal! Plus they freeze great, and simple to prepare straight from the freezer!

Here are the ingredients for Breakfast Birritos:
•1/4 c. butter
•1/3 c. chopped onion
•1/3 c. chopped green pepper
•18 eggs
•1 1/4 c. milk
•1 c. chopped ham (browned sausage is tasty, too!)
•1 t. seasoned salt
•1/2 tsp. pepper
•1 1/2 c. shredded cheese (cheddar, Mexican blend, whatever)
•12 burrito-sized flour tortillas

1.Saute onion, and green peppers in butter
2.Beat eggs and milk together. Pour in skillet with veggies.
3.Add ham (or whatever meat you decide to use), salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until eggs are set.
4.Add cheese, let melt.
5.Warm some tortillas in the microwave.
6.Scoop 1/2 c. of egg mixture into a warm tortilla. Roll up burrito style and enjoy!

If freezing them:
7.Wrap burrito in a paper towel, then in a sheet of foil.
8.Pack wrapped burritos in a ziplock bag, then freeze.
9.To reheat, remove foil. Place burrito with paper towel in microwave. Cook about a minute.
10.Serve with salsa.

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