I'll be honest, I do not like to clean. I like a clean home, but I'd rather be doing something else besides cleaning!
One trick that I learned a few years back is after I get up in the mornings I always make my bed---notice the picture above. It is amazing how a made bed can improve the look of a room.
In the picture above there are things out of place on the dresser, that dresser has not been dusted in 2 1/2 weeks, there is a spider web in those yellow flowers (will take care of that web and its owner after I post this!) and a dirty towel on the floor in front of that dresser; but shhhh don't tell any one. Because the bed is made, a visitor wouldn't notice the other things that didn't get done...did you?
So how do you clean your home; what tricks do you pull in order to give you more time with your family?