
Freezer Cooking Days / Baking Days

Freezer Cooking Days / Baking Days are when we come together once a month, for a few days, to cook and freeze several meals, side dishes, breakfast foods or just whatever you feel like freezing. There are no rules. Cook enough meals for a whole month, a week, or just prepare snacks for a few days---you decide! All this prep work will shorten our kitchen time in the future, so we can have more time to spend with our families.

Start out by planning your day, plan what you are going to cook---Sure, you can just pull things out of the fridge and pantry and start cooking. But, the point of all-day cooking is to conserve your time, and ingredients, not to mention your energy.

For example, if you’re going to make several recipes that contain grated cheese, then shred it all at one time, chop all your onions and peppers, cook all the chicken. Get all you pots and pans out, get your freezer bags ready---make sure you have all the things that you need to begin your cooking day.

I hope that you will join in on Tuesday May 24th. I will be back a little later on today with my plan.