
Walgreen's Treasure, 16 Cents for a Gallon of Milk and 3 Sunday Papers!

We stopped by Walgreens yesterday to buy a couple of Sunday papers--they have the cheapest Sunday papers in my area, at 98 cents each. Other retailers price them at $1.50.

As I was looking through the paper, to make sure all the inserts were there (by the way, the Greenville News had 3 inserts), I noticed something on the floor--it was a $6 Register Reward. So I picked it up, bought thee papers and a gallon of milk, got in the long line and watched the people as they checked out. No one acted frantically, like they were looking for their RR when they paid for there items, so I used it!

My total should have come to $6.16, but thanks to the $6 RR, that I found, I only paid 16 cents!

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