
Working from Home - Part 3

When working from home, remember to advertise. Just telling your friends about your new adventure is not enough. A couple of ways to advertise is to set you up a Face Book page and then set up a Twitter account.

I really like Twitter because you can reach a lot of people. One thing that you should know about Twitter is that  this # is known as a hashtag.

Here is one of my tweets from Twitter (a tweet is like your status on Face Book)

 $2.50 Sparkling Essence coupons ---Organic Drink #ingles #greenville #organic

~ #ingles (will reach people that follow Ingles supermarkets)

~ #greenville will reach anyone that is interested in things going on Greenville

~ #organic will reach people that are interested in organic information

If your business is about catering, give a brief description and then use #catering #greenville (insert your city)

If your business is about sewing, homemade items---give a brief description and use #sewing #homemade #greenvile(insert your city)

When I post this post on Twitter, I will use #workingfromhome .

*To see all my post relating to working at home then go here.

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