
What have you done in the past 16 Years?

I have been doing a little reminiscing this past week. Today my husband and I celebrate 16 years of being married. It seems like it was yesterday that I was walking down the aisle to say "I do", yet it seems like we have been together forever. Either way, the past 16 years have flown by.

Many things have happened in these past 16 years. I want to share some highlights of these last 16 years with you. Here goes:
  • Well, we obviously got married
  • My husband sang to me at our wedding---"Yours Forever"
  • We had four children, but with only three pregnancies---we had twins our second time around
  • When our last child was born, we had four children two years old and under
  •  After the twins were born, we decided that it was time for me to be a stay at home mom
  • My husband and I were both saved after we were married--matter of fact we were saved after we had all of our children
  • All four of our children have been saved---praise the Lord!
  • We have moved eight times
  • We have lived in 3 different states
  • We have owned two homes---still own one that we are trying to sell
  • We home school our children
  • We have our first trip (as a family) planned to go see the ocean this year
  • We party a lot in our home----and I do mean a lot!
The other five people, in the picture above, are some of my favorite people in the world!
Happy Anniversary Honey, I am so glad that the Lord brought us together. I love you!

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