
Avoiding Work-At-Home Scams

If you've spent any time looking into working at home, Then you have probably come across scams. I know that I have. Any job that promises that you will get rich or make hundreds a week while staying at home is a scam! The truth is that legitimate opportunities are highly sought after, and the scams take advantage of the number of people who would love to work at home, especially moms.

Some things to watch out for are:

-NEVER pay to do a job ---I mean aren't you the one wanting to get paid by doing a job.

-NEVER pay for someone to find you that ideal 'work at home job'

-NEVER pay for a list of jobs (or in my case survey sites)

-Envelope stuffing jobs are not legitimate, you will NOT make money by doing this!

You might ask---how do I know all of this---well it is because I have tried it--learn from my mistakes!

There are plenty of opportunities out there for you. However, it does take time, hard work, and patience, and you need to use discernment as you consider your options!

I plan to keep this series going for a while--any input from you will greatly be appreciated. I'll be back shortly with more work at home opportunities, so be watching.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some websites I've been checking out. It has to do with Reverse Outsourcing. They are global and a lot of foreign companies want US workers. I found out when ABC's Good Morning America aired a story about it a couple of weeks ago.

    Here are a couple of the websites:;;

    Here is the link to the GMA story:
