
Working From Home --- Part 2

Welcome back to my series on Working from Home.

Before you can begin working from home, you have to decide what you want to do, whether it is strictly working out of your home or even in sales where you mingle with people from time to time. I tried the whole sales thing and shortly found out that I am not a sales person. So that was a total flop---but that is OK!
One mistake that many people make is they think that you can only have one job (one source of income) I say pish posh! Why not have two , three, four ---10 sources of income....and do it all from your home.
My husband is the bread winner in this family. I have not worked outside the home in almost 13 years! I am so thankful that I get to stay home with our children. Sure we have had tight times, everyone does. I remember one particular time when things got very tight in our home and I felt the need to find a job, I was a keeper of the home, had four children to look after, home schooled all four of them and I wanted a job at night to help out some----I was relying on people (my husband and myself) to make 'this' tight situation go away and not on God. After my sweet husband pointed this out to me, I asked the Lord to forgive me and you know what, He took care of everything! He always does!
I had heard about people doing surveys, reviewing FREE products and making money at it. I thought, if I had time I could do this....besides who wouldn't like to review products for free that you got to keep. So I signed up and paid a a fee of $34.95 just to get a list of survey sites! THERE'S my BIG NO NO that I told you about on part 1 of this series---NEVER PAY TO TAKE A SURVEY!!!! I didn't know any better at the time, so please learn from my mistakes. Survey sites should pay you to take their surveys.

Here are a couple of survey sites that I am a member of, that I have actually received payments from.

1. PineCone Research---this is a good one, pays $3 for every survey, review FULL size products, will pay you with 24 to 48 hours through Paypal. down side is that they only accept applications once in a while, not all the time!
2. Light Speed Panel---earn points and turn them into rewards (cash!) Just 575 points = $5, usually takes about 24 hours for it to show up in your Paypal account.

I will list more survey sites next time.

YOU WILL NOT GET RICH FROM DOING SURVEYS, but it is fun and a few extra dollars here and there never hurt anyone.

Other things that you can do to earn money are:
  • Sell things on E-Bay
  • Baby sit
  • If you are good at making things, then sell them on
  • If you are good at baking, then bake some things and sell your items.
  • Have a yard sale...if it is in the summer time, have your children sale ice cold bottled water for $1 a bottle.

*Also remember that if someone promises you will get rich by doing something---it is probably a scam! be continued!

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