
Confessions of a Frugalholic

Don't you dare throw that tooth paste tube away until you have squeezed that last little bit out, but don't stop there---Here's my confession: I cut our tubes of tooth paste in half and scrape the paste out. You would be surprised how much tooth paste is left in those tubes. Do I HAVE to do this--NO, but why waste it!

What do you do that's frugal?
Have you ever used a stranger's condiments?

Have you ever went Dumpster Diving----I have thought about it; I mean think of the coupons that are thrown away!

Some people call if frugal, some call it cheap---what do you call it?

See more extreme frugal confessions at Bargain Briana.
This post is also linked to:
Life as Mom


  1. Wow, I never tried this before. Will do!


  2. Sweetie, 'cheap' is when you pinch pennies to the point where it hurts others. 'Frugal' means you pinch pennies to help others--your family, for example. You sound 'frugal,' not 'cheap'!
    (My favorite definition of frugal is saving money on what doesn't really matter--like dish detergent--so you have more for the better things you really want.)
    I would never dumpster-dive, but I'd certainly pick up something outside of the dumpster. In fact, a few months ago I saw some coupon circulars in the top of a trash can outside of CVS--someone had just tossed them. I had no qualms about reaching in for them, although I would never 'dig.' People probably thought I was a nutty bag-lady, but I didn't care. There were some darned good coupons in there!

  3. Don't just stop with your toothpaste... I do this with makeup, shampoo, etc. that come in tubes. You are right... usually another few days worth of product is hiding in those tubes!

  4. My hubby taught me this trick and I agree - there's still a lot of toothpaste to use! And as for dumpster diving - I sure wish I could fit in the slots at the newspaper recycle container. Right after I started couponing I went there to dump my papers and the papers were piled so high I could reach them with my arm and ended up with about 25 coupon inserts. Since then I haven't seen the papers as high even once. And just yesterday I noticed that the newspaper recycle container is a new style and even harder to reach in. bummer.
