
Working From Home

These days a lot of people would like to work from home and when they start to do it they soon realize that it is a lot of WORK. It is a lot of work just trying to 'work' at home. What I mean by this is that there are so many distractions. If you are married and have children, like I do, then you have distractions. If you pets, you have distractions, if you have a have a distraction! Get my point?

When you make the decision to work from home you need to sit down with your family and talk to them about what you are getting ready to do and that you need their support. If small children are involved, work during their nap times or at night time after everyone is already in bed. My children are older now, so late at night or really early in the morning work well for me; just don't forget that you will need your sleep as well.
I will be doing a series of posts on working from home. I will be talking about what works for me and what does not. I will be listing some things that I do for extra money each month. These same things may or may not work for you.

I will be talking also about a BIG NO NO that so many people do, including myself. Hopefully you will be able to learn from my mistakes! But right now I need to remember that I am a wife and mother and go start cooking dinner. So stay tuned.....

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