

I LOVE coupons, but oh my goodness you have got to read this and then watch the video. I am inspired all over again!
Read how a mother of four feeds her family of six for $4.00 a week and then watch, as shown on Good Morning America, how she bought $267.23 worth of food and ONLY PAID ONE CENT for it AFTER COUPONS!!!


  1. Wow, pretty cool story. I love that she has a stockpile so that she can buy only those items that are free. I do something similar, but.....
    I have major eco-issues with buying things in small packages to make them free (like the $1 of seafood- when she did that 7 times she got 7 packages) but to each their own, right? And for health reasons, I don't buy any "free" candy, packaged cookies, or boxed meals anymore. :) But wow! 1c, lol

  2. Great story, but does she have a blog to teach others how to do this? It doesn't mention one, but she must have one. Don't keep it all to yourself!

    I don't have a Shaw's, and my store doesn't give me free coupons toward a future purchase just for buying things, so I can't get my total down that low. I spend $50 a week for my family of 6, which I think is still pretty fabulous!

    If you want to learn how to get your total low, I do have a coupon 101 course on my blog that can help you get started:
