
Anniversary Update

Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary and boy did my plans get washed away, literally! We had so much rain yesterday! Anyways we start our morning off as usual. My husband gets up and starts getting ready for work. I always lay my husbands clothes out for the day and I also lotion his feet. I have done this for years. Well as I was getting ready to put lotion of his feet he tells me that he does not want lotion today. I thought WHAT? He said "Lets go have coffee instead." So he surprised me and took the whole day off of work for our anniversary! I was so excited and my mind started racing to think of stuff for just us two to do together.

I had asked earlier in the week for some ideas to do on our anniversary seeing how he would be working all day and I would be homeschooling half of the day. And then once he got home we would be off to church; so there was not going to be much time for just 'us'. By the way, thank you for all your suggestions!

As we were having our morning coffee, I decided that we would do a romantic picnic, on a blanket, in our back yard, with romantic food...cheese and finger foods...JUST THE TWO OF US!

Well as I said earlier my plans got washed away it started storming with lots of rain! So as I was trying to get creative our children began to wake up and started giving us their little surprises that they had made for us. They had all made cards for us; it was so sweet!

We all had breakfast and then it was time to start school. My husband surprised me again and did most of the teaching....He just kept surprising me through out the day! As the day passed by and it was time for guessed it, my husband ended up cooking dinner ALL OF IT!

Even though, I did not get just the 'two' of us...I got all 'six' of us instead; I would not trade one minute of our 15th anniversary for anything, because for most of those 15 years it has been the 'six' of us! I love my family!

***Steady mom is doing a 30 minute challenge; not sure if this is what she is looking for, but you can link up your post and read other bloggers posts here on here site.


  1. Aww thats Great. Today is my 7th Anniversary and not to my surprise we are doing nothing. :(
